[mneptok@www] :: pwd

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[mneptok@www] :: finger mneptok
Login: mneptok                          Name: Kurt von Finck
Directory: /home/mneptok                Shell: /usr/bin/zsh

    I am an aging male who currently is hurtling toward his fate in Albuquerque,
    New Mexico USA. I'm a Buddhist and Taoist, a good cook, a Free Software
    missionary, a rusty musician, a former actor, a Unix wonk, a retired amateur
    athlete, a student of medieval history, an a.s.r monk, an Internet veteran
    (BITnet too), a good skiier, a world-class sleeper, and I like to travel when
    cash allows.
    I'm terrible on skates and I know no formal dances. My appearance is often
    dishevelled, but I clean up nicely. I own more than two suits and a tuxedo
    (black, tails, cummerbund).
    I'm passionate about what I believe in but will also be the first to tell you
    not to take me seriously. I think I'm an alright person, but am worried because
    I'm so often wrong. I don't want or need your validation, but yet I don't want
    you to dislike me. I don't eat anything that comes out of the sea, oddly. Maybe
    tuna. Or fried clams.

    I have a resumé/CV.

 No mail.

[mneptok@www] :: _